Better seafaring for Pakistani seamen!
The interest in WWW is certainly beneficial to serving mariners in job search and otherwise for general info about the sea and the merchant navy.
Seamen must present themselves in the open market by using internet. Having a resume web site is not a big deal, but how many of us are presently having one?
In these years, I have noted minimal interest of our sailing staff in projecting themselves. A search in Google or Yahoo generates lots of results but very little present our seamen.
I have received contributions in the Essays & Articles section from several parts of the world but not a single on from out merchant navy officers. Is no body bothered about HIMSELF?
Until and unless we speak up and let the nature of our problems be known to all, how well can we expect to see a better dawn of seafaring career for Pakistanis.
There exist massive misunderstandings about seafarers and life a sea among landlubbers, until we will not explain to their understanding capacity how possibly can we prove the truth.
I wish if my fellow seafarers from Pakistan could contribute their feelings openly, bring their experiences about merchant navy and job 'hunting' to everyone's knowledge, share their success stories and problems in sailing - most of all: FIND DEEP WITHIN THEMSELVES A BURNING DESIRE TO HELP ONE ANOTHER.
We all need to contribute what we have learned the hard way but is not known to someone else - leaping to make the very same mistake.
For all this to happen we need to break a shell - a shell that won't let us think beyond our personal benefits. And what it WILL result in would be BETTER SEAFARING FOR PAKISTANI SEAMEN.
Seamen must present themselves in the open market by using internet. Having a resume web site is not a big deal, but how many of us are presently having one?
In these years, I have noted minimal interest of our sailing staff in projecting themselves. A search in Google or Yahoo generates lots of results but very little present our seamen.
I have received contributions in the Essays & Articles section from several parts of the world but not a single on from out merchant navy officers. Is no body bothered about HIMSELF?
Until and unless we speak up and let the nature of our problems be known to all, how well can we expect to see a better dawn of seafaring career for Pakistanis.
There exist massive misunderstandings about seafarers and life a sea among landlubbers, until we will not explain to their understanding capacity how possibly can we prove the truth.
I wish if my fellow seafarers from Pakistan could contribute their feelings openly, bring their experiences about merchant navy and job 'hunting' to everyone's knowledge, share their success stories and problems in sailing - most of all: FIND DEEP WITHIN THEMSELVES A BURNING DESIRE TO HELP ONE ANOTHER.
We all need to contribute what we have learned the hard way but is not known to someone else - leaping to make the very same mistake.
For all this to happen we need to break a shell - a shell that won't let us think beyond our personal benefits. And what it WILL result in would be BETTER SEAFARING FOR PAKISTANI SEAMEN.
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