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Pakistan Merchant Shipping - Maritime Business and Employment.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Why do you want to join merchant navy or what influenced you most to join sea?

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the PakistaniMariner group:

Why do you want to join merchant navy or what influenced you most to join sea?

o Handsome income
o I want to visit different countries?
o I just like to get away from home due to domestic reasons.
o My friends are joining career at sea.
o I belong to a family of seafarers.
o I cannot afford higher education.
o I need to financially support my family.
o I want to enjoy the night clubs and discos abroad.
o There is no job available here.
o Other - Please explain.

To vote, please visit the following web page:

NOTE: You will need a Yahoo Profile to join PakistaniMariner eGroup.


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